1. | jpushd IRthpaj;ijg;ghh;f;fpYk; ew;fPh;j;jpNa njhpe;Jnfhs;sg;glj;jf;fJ@ nghd; nts;spiag;ghh;f;fpYk; jiaNa eyk;. |
| A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold. |
2. | IRthpathDk; jhpj;jpuDk; xUtiunahUth; re;jpf;fpwhh;fs;@ mth;fs; midtiuAk; cz;lhf;fpdth; fh;j;jh;. |
| The rich and the poor have this in common, The LORD is the maker of them all. |
3. | tpNtfp Mgj;ijf; fz;L kiwe;J nfhs;Sfpwhd;@ Ngijfs; neLfg;Ngha;j; jz;bf;fg;gLfpwhh;fs;. |
| A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, But the simple pass on and are punished. |
4. | jho;ikf;Fk; fh;j;jUf;Fg; gag;gLjYf;Fk; tUk; gyd; IRthpaKk; kfpikAk; [PtDkhk;. |
| By humility and the fear of the LORD Are riches and honor and life. |
5. | khWghLs;stDila topapNy Ks;SfSk; fz;zpfSKz;L@ jd; Mj;Jkhitf; fhf;fpwtd; mitfSf;Fj; J}ukha; tpyfpg;Nghthd;. |
| Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse; He who guards his soul will be far from them. |
6. | gps;isahdtd; elf;fNtz;ba topapNy mtid elj;J@ mtd; Kjph;tajpYk; mij tplhjpUg;ghd;. |
| Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. |
7. | IRthpathd; jhpj;jpuid MSfpwhd;@ fld;thq;fpdtd; fld;nfhLj;jtDf;F mbik. |
| The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender. |
8. | mepahaj;ij tpijf;fpwtd; tUj;jj;ij mWg;ghd;@ mtd; cf;fpuj;jpd;kpyhW xopAk;. |
| He who sows iniquity will reap sorrow, And the rod of his anger will fail. |
9. | fUizf;fz;zd; MrPh;tjpf;fg;gLthd;@ mtd; jd; Mfhuj;jpy; jhpj;jpuDf;Ff; nfhLf;fpwhd;. |
| He who has a generous eye will be blessed, For he gives of his bread to the poor. |
10. | ghpahrf;fhuidj; Juj;jptpL@ mg;nghOJ thJ ePq;Fk;> tpNuhjKk; mtkhdKk; xopAk;. |
| Cast out the scoffer, and contention will leave; Yes, strife and reproach will cease. |
11. | Rj;j ,Ujaj;ij tpUk;GfpwtDila cjLfs; ,dpikahditfs;@ uh[h mtDf;Fr; rpNefpjdhthd;. |
| He who loves purity of heart And has grace on his lips, The king will be his friend. |
12. | fh;j;jUila fz;fs; Qhdj;ijf; fhf;Fk;. JNuhfpfspd; thh;j;ijfisNah mth; jhWkhwhf;Ffpwhh;. |
| The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, But He overthrows the words of the faithless. |
13. | ntspapNy rpq;fk;> tPjpapNy nfhiyAz;Ngd; vd;W Nrhk;Ngwp nrhy;Ythd;. |
| The lazy man says, "There is a lion outside! I shall be slain in the streets!" |
14. | gu];jph;Pfspd; tha; Mokhd gLFop@ fh;j;jUila Nfhgj;jpw;F VJthdtd; mjpNy tpOthd;. |
| The mouth of an immoral woman is a deep pit; He who is abhorred by the LORD will fall there. |
15. | gps;isapd; neQ;rpy; kjpaPdk; xl;bapUf;Fk;@ mijj; jz;lidapd; gpuk;G mtidtpl;L mfw;Wk;. |
| Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him. |
16. | jdf;F mjpfk; cz;lhfj; jhpj;jpuid xLf;Ffpwtd; jdf;Fj; Fiwr;rYz;lhfNt IRthpathDf;Ff; nfhLg;ghd;. |
| He who oppresses the poor to increase his riches, And he who gives to the rich, will surely come to poverty. |
17. | cd; nrtpiar; rha;j;J> QhdpfSila thh;j;ijfisf; Nfl;L> vd; Nghjfj;ij cd; ,Ujaj;jpy; it. |
| Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, And apply your heart to my knowledge; |
18. | mitfis cd; cs;sj;jpy; fhj;J> mitfis cd; cjLfspd; epiyj;jpUf;fg;gz;Zk;NghJ> mJ ,d;gkhapUf;Fk;. |
| For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you; Let them all be fixed upon your lips, |
19. | cd; ek;gpf;if fh;j;jh;Nky; ,Uf;Fk;gb> ,d;iwajpdk; mitfis cdf;Fj; njhpag;gLj;JfpNwd;. |
| So that your trust may be in the LORD; I have instructed you today, even you. |
20. | rj;jpa thh;j;ijfspd; ajhh;j;jj;ij ehd; cdf;Fj; njhptpf;Fk;gbf;Fk;> eP cd;id mDg;gpdth;fSf;Fr; rj;jpa thh;j;ijfis kWnkhopahfr; nrhy;Yk;gbf;Fk;> |
| Have I not written to you excellent things Of counsels and knowledge, |
21. | MNyhridiaAk; Qhdj;ijAk; gw;wp ehd; cdf;F Kf;fpakhditfis vOjtpy;iyah? |
| That I may make you know the certainty of the words of truth, That you may answer words of truth To those who send to you? |
22. | VioahapUf;fpwhd; vd;W Vioiaf; nfhs;isaplhNj@ rpWikahdtid epaha];jyj;jpy; cgj;jputg;gLj;jhNj. |
| Do not rob the poor because he is poor, Nor oppress the afflicted at the gate; |
23. | fh;j;jh; mth;fSf;fhf tof;fhb> mth;fisf; nfhs;isapLfpwth;fSila gpuhzidf; nfhs;isapLthh;. |
| For the LORD will plead their cause, And plunder the soul of those who plunder them. |
24. | Nfhgf;fhuDf;Fj; NjhodhfhNj@ cf;fpuKs;s kD\NdhNl elthNj. |
| Make no friendship with an angry man, And with a furious man do not go, |
25. | mg;gbr; nra;jhy; eP mtDila topfisf; fw;Wf;nfhz;L> cd; Mj;JkhTf;Ff; fz;zpia tUtpg;gha;. |
| Lest you learn his ways And set a snare for your soul. |
26. | ifabj;J cld;gl;L> flDf;fhfg; gpizg;gLfpwth;fspy; xUtdhfhNj. |
| Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a pledge, One of those who is surety for debts; |
27. | nrYj;j cdf;F xd;Wkpy;yhjpUe;jhy;> eP gLj;jpUf;Fk; gLf;ifiaAk; mtd; vLj;Jf;nfhs;sNtz;bajhFNk. |
| If you have nothing with which to pay, Why should he take away your bed from under you? |
28. | cd; gpjhf;fs; ehl;bd G+h;t vy;iyf;Fwpia khw;whNj. |
| Do not remove the ancient landmark Which your fathers have set. |
29. | jd; Ntiyapy; [hf;fpuijahapUf;fpwtid eP fz;lhy;> mtd; ePrUf;F Kd;ghf epy;yhky;> uh[hf;fSf;F Kd;ghf epw;ghd;. |
| Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men. |